Friday, May 31, 2013

Charone McCann's Beautiful Great Granddaughter Aliannah...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Warriors 4 Nurturing Picking Wild Flowers of Freedom to Cheer up Linh and her Mom

Linh was very sad one day about her family being so far away from her under such terrible conditions in Veitnam...

                                    So we stopped and picked some wild Flowers for her...
             However Linh wasn't home... but to our surprise her Mother came to the door as we held the wild flowers in our hands to present to Linh. So with great smiles of welcome and Love we handed hundreds of the mountain wildflowers to Linh's Mother... With a surprised smile she shyly accepted them... She spoke not an ounce of English nor I very much Vietnamese. So I, Matthew gleaned at the opportunity to communicate using nature and expressive hand gestures and visuals.  I love to communicate to people in this way where language is a barrier. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to and teaching people from all over the Eastern Hemisphere while on my mission in Sydney Australia. I felt like I then presented the Golden Dandelions in front of me in my left hand while gesturing to them with my right and smiling broadly. I almost sung the word  F L O W E R...I then took a big whiff of their glorious perfume and almost sung again... FLOWER!! I gestured to her to speak the word Flower... she did a fantastic job...For the next 30 minuets while Linh finished up at the laundromat I walked with Nyugeth around the front yard... I pointed to and held up various things like tree, rock, bug, grass, etc... I then vocalized the English pronunciation of such !!! ... I know for a time, this poor beaten down woman forgot her worries long enough for her heart to be opened just enough that the seed of love and freedom took root in her heart... And Oh how sweet the joy was, in my soul to have helped play some small role in making Nyugeth feel welcome in America especially with the knowledge I possessed of the absolute terror she has endured from her husband in Vietnam. I just wanted to help her taste of some true love for American Freedom and for this Beautiful World she probably hasn't been able to enjoy under the oppression and abuse of her husband...Please ask yourselves do you appreciate the freedom to stop along your walks of  life,with the opportunity pick and smell mountain wildflowers? Does the Flower of Freedom in your lives blossom and give beauty to all around you in your world? Do you have the opportunity to speak of this Freedom to your family and loved ones and community? What about the simple Freedom to just pick some wild flowers and give them someone you love or to a stranger? Nyugeth doesn't have this Freedom. She fears constantly that her life will be violently taken from her at any moment! The only Flowers she thinks of are the ones that might be placed over her and her precious children's grave. Will you help her smell the Flower of Freedom? Help her take in the Flower of Beauty, Freedom and promise that grows everywhere wildly here in this Land of Liberty called the United States of America? Will you help us bring them permanently to America? So the seed of Freedom may continue to grow inside their souls and blossom into the Beautiful Flowers they are meant to be! Please... come to "A Night of Beauty" at Paul Mitchell the school Provo on June 3,2013 from  5pm to  9pm... Enjoy the Spirit of Freedom to help others receive the blessings we so abundantly enjoy! Join Us and be a "Warrior 4 Nurturing" for the souls and hearts of Linh Vo's family and we will all grow together in a spirit of Glorious and Sweet Freedom !!!

Linh Vo's Graduation from LDS business College

What an Accomplishment Linh...

In spite of all your trials...

you push forward in Faith...

every single day...

                    May you receive quickly your family back into your arms is our most sincere prayer...